Sunday, July 27, 2014

Review of the book of David by Charles Swindoll-Part 2

In this part, I would like to cover chapter 5-8. As there are 24 chapters, I thought it might be good to develop it into 6 part series  rather than 1 whole lump chunk.

Quoting from Charles Swindoll, he wrote that God is always good cos He never shows us tomorrow. This stems out from Matthew 6:33-34. What comes out from reading the verse of Matthew 6: 33-34 was that we do not have to worry about what tomorrow will happen and not to worry on what we will eat and just be merry.

As he wrote about the issue of intimate friendship, he states that an intimate friend is willing to sacrifice, will be there to assist in whatever and whenever is needed. It reminded me of the relationship of david and johnathan, the relationship between God and me and also the relationship between veron and me. I am thankful that I do know that in this life I am able to find an intimate friend cos not everyone is able to be blessed to find an intimate friend.

In terms of relationship, can one find loyal defense in the partner ? There ought to be a need to give each other complete freedom to be themselves and be a constant source of encouragement for the partner. As in we can never reach a level where we are above criticism or we no longer need the input of others.

In life, there are bound to be some pillars or so called known crutches in our lives. However, there are 3 warnings we ought to beware of . The first one is that the crutches become substitutes for God - Deut 33:27 and Isa 41:10. The second one would be crutches keep our focus horizontal as we tend to lean on one person or another thing, our focus is not on God and hence that the human crutches paralyze the walk of faith. The third thing is that crutches only offer temporary relief whereas God gives a permanent solution.

When the crutches in our lives are gone, what do we actually do ? Do you actually change?
Change is needed . First and foremost, are you being hurt enough to admit  your own need? Secondly,are you honest enough to cry to God for help. Thirdly, are u humble enough to learn from God?

The need of coming back to God for refuge are simply because we are in distress and sorrow accompanies us, because of we are sinful and guilt accuses us and because of we are surrounded by adversaries and misunderstanding assault us.

So help yourself to identify your crutches today and submit to God on the issues.  Have a blessed weekend!