Showing posts with label #Genecia Alluora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Genecia Alluora. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Empowering Women on Money Sense Matters

As part of my routine for personal development that I aimed to bring forth to you people out there, I happened to chance upon Genecia's online webinars for women entrepreneurs via Facebook marketing ads.

I started to register for my first online webinar that is more catered to online pricing psychology for customers. I did learn a few things from the webinar. I would said that Genecia really did a very good job even though when she is sick at times to deliver an impactful content based webinar for us to learn from her. When I am writing this post, it was already my third week in following Genecia's online webinars. In fact, I applied on one of her techniques that were taught on the webinar. I saw a response immediately the next day. In fact, running a business without a mentor is hard. I learnt it in a hard way trying to find myself a suitable mentor throughout the time since the day I started my business.

Like myself, being wanting to be a women entrepreneur needs lots of courage and also support from like- minded people. To have a community of like- minded women entrepreneurs to come together to support one another and to learn from a successful women entrepreneur, we could have prevented ourselves from making mistakes that other people made before. What's more the trainer Genecia is willing to help to empower all the fellow women entrepreneurs. Seriously, I saw the effort that she put in to help those who attends her webinars.
Thus, I would like to encourage those who are interested in learning how to start your business to attend her Online webinars on Wednesday.

Here's the link to Genecia's write up:

To register for her online webinar, please register at

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