Friday, November 20, 2015

Home cooked fried carrot cake

Yesterday I tried cooking fried carrot cake for the first time. I actually got my inspiration from looking through all the photos that were posted on my face book. Hence,  I cooked it for lunch to share with my dad.

This recipe I got it from rasamalaysia . However, I do have a cheat step to do the frying easier.


1 carrot cake ( stir fry ) from ntuc

2 tbsp of chai por
2 cloves of minced garlic
2 tbsp of oil
2 eggs( put a bit of light soya sauce and pepper to beat)
1 tsp of fish sauce


1. Cut the carrot cake into cubes
2. fry the carrot cake till golden brown ( for me i dun prefer golden brown)
3. fry the garlic , chai por and carrot and put in the fish sauce
4. add in the eggs
5. add in the spring onion as garnishing

1 comment:

Kc said...

Must try this 1 day.