Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chicken Nuggets - Is it still safe to eat

I think it is still best to avoid process food as much as possible.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

All about bones

Bones form our skeleton frame , how often do we consider if our bones are healthy? What kind of bone health are we looking at in order to ensure our bones are healthy to last us till our old age in the 70s or 80s ?

These are some of the following ways to get healthy bones

Get 30 minutes of weight bearing exercise daily. When muscles are exercised they pull on the bones they are attached to. This pulling action builds bone tissue, so weight bearing exercises build stronger, denser bones.
  • Building bone mass before age 30 is beneficial later in life when bones are breaking down, but weight bearing exercise throughout life helps to maintain bone density.
  • Weight bearing exercises include weight lifting, running, step aerobics and any activity that requires your body to work against gravity, thereby creating resistance.
  • Unlike aerobic exercise, weight bearing exercise does not need to be done all at once to be beneficial. Doing 10 minutes of weight bearing exercise 3 times a day is equally as beneficial as a half-hour work out.
  • Eat a healthy diet to increase bone density. To build bone material your body needs calcium and vitamin D. In addition to calcium, your bones are 1/3 collagen, a protein that gives bones flexibility and minimizes breakage.

  • Eat lots of leafy green vegetables, both raw and cooked. Not only are these vegetables high in calcium, they are also a good source of potassium, vitamin K, and other minerals necessary for healthy bone growth.
  • Drink low-fat milk and eat low-fat yogurt, cheese and other dairy products to increase your calcium consumption. Dairy products are fortified with vitamin D to help your body to absorb and use the calcium content.
  • Consider taking a calcium supplement if your diet falls short of your daily calcium needs. If you need more than 500 mg a day in the form of a calcium supplement, take your daily supplements in two smaller doses. Your body is only able to absorb up to 500 mg at a time.
  • Replenish the collagen in your bones by eating a sufficient amount of lean protein, such as poultry, fish and beans.
  • Add whole grain pasta and bread to your diet for a good source of magnesium. Magnesium is known to help bones stay strong.

    Wednesday, September 04, 2013

    How to curb allergies

    1. Wash hair before bed so allergens don’t get on pillow and then in eyes 
    2. Avoid consuming “cured meats.” The nitrites & nitrates in them will worsen your allergies 
    3. Don’t use any form of fabric softener or dryer sheets to avoid irritating residues 
    4. Groom cats with damp cloths or cotton gloves. It will help to eliminate allergens 
    5. Keep a diary to help you and your doctor sort out your allergic “triggers” 
    6. Use saline sinus rinse to wash out nasal irritants daily or even twice daily 
    7. Change the air filter in your AC or heating unit 
    8. Cover your bedding, including the comforter, with dust mite proof coverings 
    9. Avoid consuming sugar & sweets – these items can increase your risk for allergy attacks 
    10. Kitty liter is a source of irritation – use large wood chips, crystal balls or newspaper chips 
    11. Wash eye lashes with dilute baby shampoo to clean off allergens 
    12. Avoid consuming vegetable oils like soy & canola – these oils can make your allergies much worse