Showing posts with label christian book reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christian book reviews. Show all posts

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Review of the book of David by Charles Swindoll-Part 2

In this part, I would like to cover chapter 5-8. As there are 24 chapters, I thought it might be good to develop it into 6 part series  rather than 1 whole lump chunk.

Quoting from Charles Swindoll, he wrote that God is always good cos He never shows us tomorrow. This stems out from Matthew 6:33-34. What comes out from reading the verse of Matthew 6: 33-34 was that we do not have to worry about what tomorrow will happen and not to worry on what we will eat and just be merry.

As he wrote about the issue of intimate friendship, he states that an intimate friend is willing to sacrifice, will be there to assist in whatever and whenever is needed. It reminded me of the relationship of david and johnathan, the relationship between God and me and also the relationship between veron and me. I am thankful that I do know that in this life I am able to find an intimate friend cos not everyone is able to be blessed to find an intimate friend.

In terms of relationship, can one find loyal defense in the partner ? There ought to be a need to give each other complete freedom to be themselves and be a constant source of encouragement for the partner. As in we can never reach a level where we are above criticism or we no longer need the input of others.

In life, there are bound to be some pillars or so called known crutches in our lives. However, there are 3 warnings we ought to beware of . The first one is that the crutches become substitutes for God - Deut 33:27 and Isa 41:10. The second one would be crutches keep our focus horizontal as we tend to lean on one person or another thing, our focus is not on God and hence that the human crutches paralyze the walk of faith. The third thing is that crutches only offer temporary relief whereas God gives a permanent solution.

When the crutches in our lives are gone, what do we actually do ? Do you actually change?
Change is needed . First and foremost, are you being hurt enough to admit  your own need? Secondly,are you honest enough to cry to God for help. Thirdly, are u humble enough to learn from God?

The need of coming back to God for refuge are simply because we are in distress and sorrow accompanies us, because of we are sinful and guilt accuses us and because of we are surrounded by adversaries and misunderstanding assault us.

So help yourself to identify your crutches today and submit to God on the issues.  Have a blessed weekend!

Friday, June 06, 2014

Review of the book David by Charles Swindoll- Part 1

 This book talks about David , a bible character from his young tender age as a boy till him as a king.

In chapter 1 , there was this one sentence that i think will reasonates with all of us out there. It is that Greeks look into brains, brawns and beauty and never look into the inner beauty of the person. It makes me realize that most of the time people will not look at the inner beauty of the person even at work. So packaging your self to the max including getting plastic surgery to look good is the norms nowadays.  Would there be even real natural beauty now ? Are we getting too extreme with our own looks?

In chapter 2, it talks about King Saul. King Saul was a good looking and tall guy. However, his flawed character got revealed when he was made as as King. His character was selfish, angry, hateful, mean-spirited man. It daunt on me there is a leader within us. So what kind of leader are we potraying to others?  How to know what kind of person I am in my deepest most being? Most of us like to potray ourselves to others in the best light so that we are able to survive. Do we really have the ability to see beyond the obvious ? Can we avoid by not just looking at the capabilities but by the heart?

3 Timeless lessons in david's life:
  1. God's solutions are often strange and simple, so be open.
  2. God's promotions are usually sudden and surprising , so be ready
  3. God's selections are always soverign and sure , so be sensitive. 
God never forgets me even I am alone or a nobody.

In chapter 3, God can use something in ur past to use it in the most incredible ways. Music, an antidote for depression. Psalms are for folks who feels that music is an art , requires a pure heart that is after God and can be used for times of refreshment, recovery , times in which emotions seem to be gettting out of line. Jesus rose from the dead to give us the desire and the power to live a positive , fulfilling life free of the cage of human depression and despair.

In chapter 4, how can I then have the ability not to be impressed by man based on looks or be intimated by the problems of life?
No matter how big the giant be, God is greater. And no matter how powerful he might be, God is all powerful.