Sunday, January 20, 2013

Joint exercise part 2- ankle mobility exercise

Step 1 - while sitting or standing ( use a chair or table to balance) , lift one foot off the ground .

Step 2- rotate the lifted foot in a clock wise  direction 5 times, slowly and gently.

Step 3 repeat the roations in an anti clockwise direction

step 4 - swap over to stand on the other leg and repeat the exercise with other foot.

Though these exercises seems simple and no brainer...a lot of us have forgotten to do them in the pursuit of chasing the carrot..Take care of our body and it will in turn give us more benefits of having a healthy body

The answer for a guilty conscience from the excerpt from Jospeh Prince's daily devotional

The Answer For A Guilty Conscience-Hebrews 9:14

14 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

Have you heard the voice of your conscience saying things like, “You deserve hell for the sins you committed against your wife three years ago” or “Why are you surprised that your child is not talking to you? You were never around when he needed you”?

That is why you must have an answer that will satisfy your conscience. When your conscience says, “You have sinned. You must be punished for this sin or else God is not a just God,” you say, “Yes, I have sinned. But this sin and every other sin that I have committed were punished to the maximum in the body of Jesus Christ! So there remains no more punishment for me today, for how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse my conscience!”

My friend, the only way to bring peace to your conscience is to look to the cross. The cross of Jesus is the only answer that will satisfy your conscience.

So the next time your conscience condemns you because of sin, don’t try to silence it with your good works. Look to the cross and say, “Father, thank You for Jesus and the cross. Jesus was totally condemned on my behalf for this sin, so there is now absolutely no condemnation left for me.” Then, your conscience will look at the cross and say, “Ahhhh... peace.” My friend, Jesus’ finished work at the cross truly sets you free!

If you are willing to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, please pray the following prayer

Prayer: Thank you Lord, for sending your son Jesus Christ to died for me at the cross. Please forgive me of my sins and I receive you King Jesus into my life as my personal Lord and Saviour. Lord, I give you Lordship over my heart , my mind  and my soul. In Jesus Mighty Name, I pray Amen.