Showing posts with label Good skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good skin. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2009

How to achieve healthy skin with good nutrition

What is the skin's elasticity and structure made of?

Basically, it is made of fibres such as collagen and elastin .

Why do we get wrinkles and pre mature aging?

It is due to the skin damage that comes from free radicals -harmful by products  of smoke, pollution and sunlight.

Vitamins and minerals that can help to achieve good skin 

Vitamin C
Found in citrus fruits , leafy green vegetables and peppers that are known to aid collagen production . Vitamin  C supplements are readily available in tablet or powder form.

Vitamin E
Found in vegetable oil, nuts , olives ,seeds and certain green vegetables such as spinach . Supplements can top up vitamin e needs for the skin .

Vitamin A 
Essential for skin repair and cell reproduction and is found in fruits and vegetables. Acne and psoriasis condition can also be improved by supplementing with Vitamin A.

Essential Fatty Acids
Helpful for skin that is prone to becoming dry, inflamed and has white or black heads. Omega 3 is found in oily fish such as sardines and Omega 6 comes from poultry , grains and coooking oils. Omega 3 should be eaten regularly or taken as supplements from fish oil soft gel capsules if lacking in your diet

Minerals and Antioxidants

Acne  is sometimes due to a deficiency in zinc which can be improved  by eating food that contains zinc such as poultry and lean meat. Copper helps to develop the elastin fibres that support the skin's structure.

Catechins( from green tea leave extract) and Alpha lipoic Acid are more potent than vitamins C and E and protect the skin from free radicals. Other antioxidants  such as grape seed extract , citrus bioflavonoids, beta-carotene  & lyco pene are also proven to be beneficial.

So be more aware of what you eat  because it reflects on the skin's appearance. A combination of a good diet , plenty of water and dietary supplements can keep the skin healthy and looking years younger.