Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Solo hair colouring session sponsored by Hoyu

For last month, I was overwhelmed with Chinese new year preparation.  I was being sponsored by Hoyu to have my solo hair dye session with the hair technical manager, Ben.

Ben, who has many years in doing hair coloring, explained to me the difference between European brands of hair dye like Wella and Loreal and Hoyu. The difference between European brands of hair dye with Hoyu is that the colour of  Hoyu's hair dye is based on the colour wheel which primarily consist red, blue and yellow. 

 For example, if I wanted to dye my hair a bit of purplish red Ben would have to mix the colour red and blue together in order to get purplish red. The proportion will be based on which colour I would want it to appear on my hair more.

Hoyu's hair dye system stems out from the colour therapy which can be found in the following pictures:

Before mixing the colours together 

After mixing the colours together 

The other range of colours

Here's the beginning of my hair dye session 

Pardon me for this natural curly look
During the session

The end result is really nice. Sorry people I lost the picture which is stored inside my handphone previously. Anyway, a big thanks to Hoyu for giving this opportunity to me to have a personalized hair dying session with technical manager, Ben.

One thing that Ben shared with me was that whichever salons that use Hoyu hair dyes are specially trained by him if the salon owners are keen to get their staff trained.  Most importantly, I feel that salon owners can take the opportunity to use the PIC grant to get their staff trained as well. Not only is training course subsidized, the staff is one step nearly to be a better skilled worker.

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